Welcome to multidoc’s documentation!#

Creating and maintaining an API Reference for multiple programming languages consumes unnecessary time. multidoc attempts to solve this through the use of jinja2 templating and pydantic data modelling. At the core, is the API Declaration:

summary: This is the hello module...
notes: It's probably not that impressive 🤔

   - name: hello
        name: world
        type: str
        description: Returns the world!

With the API Declaration in hand, we can add replacement tags to the C++ source code:

//! @get_docstring(__doc__)
#include <string>

namespace hello {

//! @get_docstring(world)
std::string world();


In the pybind11 exposed module, docstrings can also be added:

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind_src/docstrings.h>
#include <cpp/foo.h>

namespace py = pybind11;

PYBIND11_MODULE(hello, m) {
    m.doc() = hello::get_docstring("__doc__");
    m.def("world", &hello::world, hello::get_docstring("world"));
>>> generate_documented(src="pybind_src", dest=".", local={"py": True}, api="api/module.yaml")
>>> generate_documented(src="cpp_src", dest=".", local={"cpp": True}, api="api/module.yaml"))

Indices and tables#